Sunday, October 11, 2015

Orisha vs. Christians

      Cuba is a country where people live with oppression, but they never lost their faith. Cubans have a part of the culture of two countries, Africa and Spain, including their religions. In Cuba, the training of religions is made by the religions syncretism. This is the union of different cultures as Orisha religion from African with Christianity (Catholic) religion from Spain.Orishas and Christianity are two religions with many differences.

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      The Christianity religion has different branches, but the main branch is Catholicism. The Catholic religion arrived in Cuba at the beginning of the sixteen century, when this country was colonized for Spain. In Cuba more than 20 % of the population currently practices this religion. The Catholic religion has eleven saints and one god. In this religion, their leaders have different names dependent on their rank. For example, the priests work in the church, the bishops who are the highest degree of the priesthood are called episcopate, and the pope who is the supreme leader lives in the Vatican in Roma.The practice of this religion is based on the Bible and the seven sacraments: baptism, communion, confirmation, penance (confession), anointing of the sick, and marriage holy orders. The Catholic religion has the most common and oldest in the Christianity.
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   The Orisha religion in contrast to Christianity was created in Nigeria in Africa. This religion began between the years 1801-1865 when the Spanish people brought African slaves to Cuba. These slaves had their own religion, but the Spanish colonizers forbid the practice of their religion. Spanish people forced slaves to practice the Catholic religions. At that time, African slaves started to call their more popular saints with the name of the Catholic saints. With this form of religion the Spanish thought that the slaves believed in the Catholic religion. That is how the Orisha or Santeria in Cuba began.Orisha has 104 saints and one god. The leaders in this religion are called santeros like the priest, and the higher authority   babalaos.  The practice in Orisha or Santeria religion is based on foretelling the future and different rituals to communicate with their saints. For example, rituals with dances using drums, food offerings to their saints, and animal sacrifice to utilize their blood. Also, they prepare different kinds of witchcraft to help their practitioners. In actuality, about 70% of the population practices this religion in Cuba.

      Religions are an important part of the culture of any country. Orisha and Catholicism have a great significance in the life of Cubans. People need the faith to survive in many difficult situations. These two religions with their differences helped two populations in two different centuries, as African slaves when they were mistreated and Cubans who have lived   50 years of oppression.  The world has thousand of religions with many differences, but it is important that every one respects the religion that each one wants to practice. That way we help more between us regardless where we come from and what religion we practice.